William Mengel
In Memory of
William L.
Mengel Jr.
January 9, 1936 -
June 13, 2018
Leave a condolence


Condolence From: Chris Biondo Sandy Biondo
Condolence: What a great guy Bill was miss him my grandson Chris Biondo enjoy helping him out an had a lot of laughs with him
Tuesday July 03, 2018
Condolence From: Phyllis Dessel
Condolence: Sue-

My sincere sympathy on the passing of your brother. May your happy memories bring you peace.

Sunday June 17, 2018
Condolence From: Gary &Nancy Machemer
Condolence: We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Bill. He was such a help to us and advisor over the last 45 years.He will be greatly missed.
Saturday June 16, 2018
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